Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Recent Response to Obama's Request For Contributions

This is an unedited copy of my email response to Barack Obama's recent request for campaign donations addressed to me. I want to share it with everyone, perhaps others will do something similar:
 You Obama were the first politician I ever donated cash to. I feel totally swindled. You campaigned standing behind a podium emblazoned with the word CHANGE, but you have been nothing but more of the same, on every front. 

  When I put my imagination into high gear, I can envision a worse scenario with a more truly vicious, fascist dictator in charge of this nation. But that is not in any way an endorsement of or for you. 
 You and the Democratic leadership behave as the spineless puppets of the corporatocracy. Even the ignorant would see it, if not for the constant fascist propaganda labeling y'all as socialistic/progressives.
 Your commitment to change, to beneficial change for the American population, and humanity, definitely begins and ends with their fraudulent propaganda. 
 You are at best, the better choice between nothing and less. WHOOPEE!!! 
Wake up and grow a set,


crystal3478 said...

I just read the opening page of your blog--the letter you sent Obama, the statement giving reasons for starting your blog, and the quotation by Heraclitus, one of the first among Western if not all humans to rely on empirical data to evolve a philosophy. Right on, Eric!

Eric said...

Thank you for the compliments, it is kind of you.
I hope you continue to find my blog interesting and share it with others.

Apopheniac said...

The thing is I think you were right in your comments on who you are. Obama is probably the closest thing to an outsider our current system could actually elect.

Which pretty much goes to show just how much room for change there actually is in our system.

Eric said...

Well Apopheniac, that is sad commentary on our system. But you are probably right. These to Parties have such a strangle-hold on the election system. And the corporations have a both parties by the balls! It is time for corporate reform!

Eric said...

I just re-read my comment and it is a shame I can't type a couple sentences competently.
I meant to say, These TWO parties have such a strangle hold on the election system . And the corporations have both parties by the balls!
We need massive corporate reform!