Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Saje's Eye: An open letter to the Tea Partiers

Saje's Eye: An open letter to the Tea Partiers


Unknown said...

Thanks, Eric. Glad to see that people CAN see the light, and, as a matter of fact, I agree with you on the current administration. I wish I didn't, but they've proved themselves to be just as corporatist as the last one. I'm not sure we gain a lot by replacing a clear evil with a kinder, gentler evil, but there you have it.

Eric said...

Hi Saje, Thanks for the compliment. I, obviously really liked your open letter.
It appears we see many of the same evils.

Unknown said...

When I met my wife, she turned me on to Libertarianism. After a year of trying to figure out how it was supposed to work, I realized it couldn't. Humanity is, by nature, a cooperative venture. Everything is not a negotiation. I've probably always slanted left, but I've more or less landed on left-libertarian. I don't think laws area always the answer, particularly laws or rules meant to make people FEEL as though things are being done rather than actually doing what they're meant to do.

Grover Norquist said, infamously, that he wanted to "shrink government to the point we can drown it in the bathtub." Near as I can tell, they'd be happy just to shrink it to the point it'll fit through our bedroom doors.

Government, in my mind, exists to protect the vulnerable from the powerful. The minute it tries regulating the vulnerable in order to protect them from themselves, it crosses the line.